Overdose of Gaumutra...

By Raja Chowdhury

Patronised by the Government, these hooligans are having a nice time on the streets in almost all corners in North India with a free hand given to them to promote lawlessness and ferocious attacks on the people and their belongings.

They are back who were always there... but they became ferocious and attacking post 2014. Lawlessness and a probable govt support added to their open show of violence. 

These people on the road can be easily identified as the residents of your nearest slums. Disjointed, disgrunted, confused, lawbreakers, criminals atheists and non believers are a few adjectives for them.

 They don't know what bhakti is all about. They wait the entire year to blatantly break the law during this time... on high spirits... perhaps this is their way of enjoying life...

This can be termed everything but not Bhakti of any sort unless the government has derived another meaning of the word in their dictionary, 

So next time, whenever you see them, just be a little cautious else they may harm you.

CONTACT:   INDvestigations on 8860469010 for any investigation or story tip.


