Will you Inquire Mr. Prime Minister?

By Mathew Samuel

New Delhi: The American magazine ' Foreign policy' quoting Pentagon had revealed some very important findings on India- Pakistan recent war-like issues. The magazine revealed that  Pentagon audited India's complaint of F 16 misuse by Pakistan. On it, US personnel had recently counted Pakistan's F-16 and had 'found none missing'. They say-  Indian authorities might have misled the whole world!

Many senior defense officials stay with their family in the same block as my apartment in Delhi.  I have much defense served officials in my family. Moreover, my father and grandfather had served the army for a very long time. 35 years my father served as a civilian servant to defense force is not a small thing. Moreover- My in-laws' enjoy their retired life following the service with Indian airforce. This is the briefed summary of my family background in the defense establishment.

When I say some of my friends and dear ones had been part of the war against Pakistan in 1971,  I guess the readers can catch the enthusiasm and pride I possess on the topic.

Two weeks back, some serving officers asked me on the disinterest Indian media has on reporting the true facts of Balakot attack and escalation.  I asked them back- " Just say, Actually,  what it was? "

If only the true happenings are narrated,   the high decision makers get a chance to rethink on the wrong advice they get. They are not supposed to digest it as it is. They will get to know to implement such heavy matters only with a  proper route map.

The officer I was talking,  asked me if I knew how our MI-17-v5 chopper was crashed. Some medias carried the story as it was our own mistake. They read that our own air defense weapons did wrongly hit the chopper. And, is it true?

Then further he explained to me that it was actually hit by the Pakistan F-16 fired  air to air missile and killed 7 of our brave soldiers.

Indian news channels broadcasted a video of a pilot ejecting from the fighter jet. Soon it was widespread in the nation giving a thought that it was Pakistan's pilot trying to escape. But the official said to me, the man seen in the video was India's wing commander Abhinandan and no one else. I had to ask the officer then how an entire stupidity was rumored?

He answered me that without any preparation we did Balakot attack. Naturally, when we go for it, We had to do expect a counter-attack from them too at any time and to get fully prepared, much time was needed. Then only we could defend in all means. A proper inquiry is needed to find out who gave inappropriate advice to our prime minister for a hurried action. Media should report the ground realities and about those senior officers exhibiting some missile parts claiming it to be F 16, fired missile part in a press conference. The officer concluded the conversation by saying that such wrong actions only groom our enemies about our weakness.

After Pakistan's counter-attack why all these advisers kept a long pause and dare not to advise the Prime Minister for a befetting reply ?

Meanwhile, Pakistan choppers flew near to the Indian border. We have surfaced  to air missiles with us. India could decently reply to their counter-attack. But why was our army not allowed to move for an action? Why couldn't we attack the same way Pakistan did? What answers had we given to Pakistan exactly by suppressing our capable force?  We escalated and we attacked their territory within 24 hrs, They did counter-attack and we lost our brave soldiers. Later we entirely de-escalated the crisis. At least a chance should be given to our force to counter-attack in a decent way.

I, request the Prime Minister to constitute a high-level fact-finding team to dig how all such mishaps occurred in the structure.

Mathew Samuel, Founding Editor of Narada News, is a renowned Indian Investigative Journalist.

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